Let us know in the comments below! Tvoja je koza uvek dobra za rane, a moje oci hladne tu su da te brane. Share this page URL of this page: Ne, ne koci dok se vozim, zovu me noci stobom cu proci. Click here to join us! Ovo je brz grad, svako ima mane, ja svoje menjacu za tvoje dobre strane. The time now is
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Dupla puna zbog tebe glava luda, kroz pola grada na crveno prolazi. Write a comment What do you think about song "Ne Koci"? Our highlights from Reading Festivalfrom rock and roll to getting rickrolled Fest. If you spend just 10 seconds to register, you will be able to comment on all nici chords and tabs and rate them.
Posted By asasas 0 replies Let us know in the comments below! Here you can post a video or audio performance.
Ne Koci Chords - Elitni Odredi - Guitar Chords, Transposed 4 Semitones Down
Don't want to see ads? Here you can post a video of you playing the Ne Koci Chords, so your fellow guitarists will be able to see you and rate you. Currently we only support Poledale videos, but we will be adding other video and audio! Pogledom zove glas ne ostavljam, sve se desilo bez daha i bez govora.
Kad si sama, pozovi kad si sama, za pola sata sam tu, dolazim.
And - of course - you can share your own videos with them and see what they think of you. Elitni odredi - Ne Koci lyrics - motolyrics.

Zato daj daj daj mi nocas malo vremena pitam da li bi me htela sta bi sa mnom zelela samo daj daj gas kazes hocu brze dok za nama jure srce lupa luduje. Zato daj daj daj mi nocas malo vremena, pitam da li bi me htela, sta bi samnom zelela. For the song "Ne Koci", there are 2 versions of the md translation: Red dress on covering pogedale I know that you tried wore it last night She calls with glance eyesand then I am leaving everything and everything happened without a breath and talk.

View all trending tracks. A new version of Last. Show us your talent, perform Ne Koci Chords!
A tvoje oci te noci su pogledale me on We Heart It
Add this song to your songbook. Ne, ne koci dok elitnu vozim, zovu me noci stobom cu proci. Ne i nismo tolko losi, usne trosi na mojoj kozi. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Please, log in to post your performance. Hope you like it: Click here to join us!
Ne Koci Lyrics English translation
The chord pattern is shown here. Max Barskih - Nezemnaya Translate to Quick tip, so you can enjoy Ne Koci Chords even more: Ne Koci tabs Tabs. Crvena haljina na nogama, znam sinoc si je probala pogledom zove jasne ostavljam i sve se desilo bez daha i bez govora Ovo je brz grad svako ima mane ja svoje menjat cu plgledale tvoje dobre strane tvoja je koza meni dobra za rane a moje oci hladne tu su da te brane. Connect your Spotify account to your Last. Lyrics A tvoje oci te noci su pogledale me tvoje ime ja zovem otvori molim te ovim gradom sad jurim, ne kocite me idem pravo za njom i ne okrecem se Kad si sama, pozovi kad si sama za pola sata sam tu, dolazim dupla puna, zbog tebe glava luda kroz pola grada na crveno prolazim Lyrics continue below
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