Sunday 24 November 2019


Soon after, there were reports on social media that Mohammed Ali had died. Leading this exercise were three officers; Maina, Muthee and Kariuki. All members of parliament had converged at the Continental hotel, Mombasa for the Forum on Peaceful Elections. They did not even press the distress button. In the postmortem, there was decolourisation of the body, and a particular jelly-pink colour was observed in some organs. He also wonders why the plane wreckage was let to remain at the scene for 14 full days. jicho pevu saitoti death

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Saitoti Was Assassinated - Jicho Pevu's Mohammed Ali

In the investigative piece, it emerged that the pilots that were to fly Saitoti initially, were replaced with other quite inexperience ones. In the end, the commission determined that human error was to blame. He also wonders szitoti the plane wreckage was let to remain at the scene for 14 full days. In fact, Nancy Gituanja and Luke Oyugi were informed of their morning assignment that past night while at a club near the airport.

Soon after, there were reports on social media that Mohammed Ali had died. It is in this conference that Saitoti gave his last public address, one that the MPs thought was unnecessarily long. He said that the spy organization was testing the waters.

Fast forward to Friday June 8th They did not even press the distress button. Before his assistant arrived, the minister was meeting US assistant secretary of state for African affairs Johnnie Carson. According to him, a Mr. This was admitted by Dr. The next day however, the assistant minister left his official car and aides behind, and took a peuv to the Moi International Airport.

Saitoti Was Assassinated – Jicho Pevu’s Mohammed Ali

His assistant Orwa Ojode however spent in his allocated room His response was that he did not want to get involved in a foreign government. Dennis Onsarigo, his colleague was to be terminated as he siatoti home. They then went to a hospital in the city, where one of the doctors involved in the postmortem worked. This, he says was done with the intention of putting him behind bars for at least 3 years.

The legislator would soon record a statement with the police. While they said he was from Machakos, Mohammed Ali confirmed otherwise.

In the flight recording aired on Jicho Pevu, the pilots were heard coughing repeatedly just before silence and crashing. When the plane crashed, Mohammed Ali wondered why the police failed to seal off the scene to prevent loss of evidence. Before retiring to bed, he was in the company of Eugene Wamalwa, Musikari Kombo and two other individuals. At the hotel, Saitoti had been allocated room but did not spend the night there.

Instead, he opted for the Serena Mombasa Beach Hotel. Abdirahman Omar at Central Police Station was leading the exercise. There, nobody was ready to talk to them.

jicho pevu saitoti death

That Sunday, Ojode would host Saitoti in his constituency Ndhiwa, for a church fundraiser. Soon, Moha was arrested and charged for phone theft. In the postmortem, there was decolourisation of the body, and a particular jelly-pink colour was observed in some organs.

The investigative reporter however has another theory.

jicho pevu saitoti death

This story was carried by sautoti print and online media as one of the many death hoaxes involving celebrities. Soon after, the commission investigating the accident, led by judge Kalpana Rawal, was informed how NSIS made phone calls, to prevent the inclusion of asitoti evidence. All members of parliament had converged at the Continental hotel, Mombasa for the Forum on Peaceful Elections.

These two factors are brought about by poisonous gas cyanide, and these two facts were not included in the final report.

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